MEAN Stack Development
MEAN Stack Developers have always valued the ability to build their applications on integrated stacks of foundational technology. By beginning the development process on top of a set of standardized building blocks, developers can spend more time working on applications that differentiate the business, rather than starting from scratch and gluing a bunch of separate components together.
1. Define Mean Stack.
Ans: The MEAN stack is a set of JavaScript-based technologies to create online applications. The full form of MEAN is MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and Node.js.
2. What is the definition of Scope in JavaScript?
Ans: Each function in JavaScript has its scope. The scope is a set of variables and rules for accessing those variables by name. Only code within the function has access to the function's scoped variables.
3. Define Node JS?
Ans: Node.js is a server-side programming language used to build flexible projects. It has several advantages over other server-side languages, the most notable is non-blocking I/O. It is a JavaScript-based platform or runtime based on the V8 JavaScript engine in Chrome.
4. What is REPL in Node.Js?
Ans: REPL stands for Reading Eval Print Loop. It also evaluates datasets and displays the results. It is essential to understand that REPL replicates the environment of a Linux shell. REPL is related to the successful completion of the tasks listed below.
5. Is Node.js entirely dependent on a single thread?
Ans: Yes, Node.js can run entirely on a single thread. However, you should be aware that it is only a theory underlying the architecture of Node.Js. Apart from being involved in operating a single thread mechanism, it also uses callbacks and events to meet a wide range of requirements
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