MERN Stack Development

You can find MERN stack development courses on platforms like Udemy, which offer comprehensive training led by top-rated professionals. These courses typically cover the technologies involved in the MERN stack—MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js—and often include hands-on projects, recorded content, and online resources.
1. What is the MERN Stack?
Ans. MERN Stack is a collection of 4 technologies (MongoDB | Express.js | React.js | Node.js). This technology stack enables a developer to build a web app quickly. One of the primary functions of this stack is a virtual DOM to improve the performance of a web app.
2. What is the role of MongoDB in MERN?
Ans.MongoDB is a popular open-source document database, and it can store data in JSON-like documents to properly store complex data. MongoDB has another advantage in that it has an in-built support for cloud environments.
3. How Does React.js Work?
Ans. ReactJS has a declarative JavaScript framework to create a dynamic and it allows a developer to create dynamic client-side applications in HTML.This JavaScript library helps a developer build eye-catching user interfaces and has a component-based architecture to encourage code reusability.
4. What is Callback Hell?
Ans. Callback hell is a condition in which a development nests multiple callbacks within a specific function. Here, the shape of the deformed code resembles a pyramid, therefore, it is also known as the “Pyramid of the Doom” because it makes it difficult for a developer to properly maintain the code and understand it.
5.What’s the purpose of Express.js?
Ans.Expres.js is a web app development framework to support the Node.js projects. It is one of the best open-source frameworks that manages the flow between the front end and the database.

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